What are these?

These are my personal sketchbooks, I post them here as I make them so I can easily share them.

They’re of mixed quality and a little scuffed because they’re mostly just for idea keeping, but occasionally there are moments in there that I think are really useful for explaining an idea, almost better than a finished piece.
Plus, from time to time people have asked for them, so having them hosted somewhere without the need to download is good.

Each one has a number and song title as a name, in the hopes that when there’s a good number it will be easier to sort through them.

Words and Pictures

There’s a website I’ve always loved called cachemonet.com, it’s sort of an experiment in random pattern making, and how viewers process and make sense out of these ultimately meaningless combinations of images (in that case, gifs), in my case, with Sketchbook 1 (we can call it “The First ‘Serious’ Sketchbook”) I began adding snippets of things I was listening to at the time, and then later I’d add those intrusive nonsense sentences you get when you’ve just woken up.
The choices on what pages to add these to are totally arbitrary, and I’m interested in how the random combinations of drawings and text might accidentally set some kind of tone.

Average Specifications/Media

Most of these sketchbooks are A5, occasionally A4, and the average book is about 80 pages.
The coloured sections are generally Posca, noticeably more painterly sections are likely to be gouache or watercolour. Occasionally brush and india ink is used.
Most of the lineart is a fineliner Posca, but in cases where the lines are fine and detailed it’s likely pen and the same ink.
The stickers are from various sources and are usually used to cover up little flaws I find distracting, the black and white rectangular ones though are my own thermal prints.

The Sketchbooks:

Note: they’re uploaded in batches as they’re made, check back every once in a while!